Friday, October 24, 2008

Student Council

OK! This time I got really big news!I WON STUDENT COUNCIL MEMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok. This is how it all began,we all said our speeches and after that we all got to vote.
Ok, of course you know I voted for myself.And after we voted we turned
our votes in. Then at recess my teacher counted the votes and after lunch my
teacher announced that I was elected student council member. I was so suprised! I couldn't beleive it. I was student council member.
Well that is how it all began,I now will have to be gone every first Tuesday of each month.
I will now have to make good decisions for others.I also was a good candidate about writing
my speech and saying it.
Well that's all I wanted to say that ,I WON STUDENT COUNCIL MEMBER! LOL,bye!

1 comment:

The Corey Family said...

I am so proud of you Hailey! : ) You are going to be such a good student council member! I want to hear your speech sometime. Love you, Aunt Bebe

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