Saturday, February 27, 2010

Haven't typed in a while.

Sorry i havent typed in a wile so let me catch u up in a few major things that have happend.Well,first of all i got my own email!yay!if u want 2 be my friend this is my email hope i can get a lot of u on my yahoo.ummm,i also started 4th grade and i joined into volleyball was our first game and even though we lost by 2 points i still had fun!did u no my b-day is coming up in april!yea its april 13th. a lot of things r going on in scool 2.let me name a few........ im in student council,i have lots of friends ,and my teacher is the best. i hope u got all caught up in wat i did wen i didnt post it and again i hope u join me in yahoo.Thanks!


Family of Faith said...

And I hope everyone knows that my daughter truly does know how to spell and that she and her friends think it's funny to mispell words and use bad grammar. (argh) ~Mom

Lessons in the Little Stuff said...

LOL MOM! You are so funny! I do know how to spell! I love you!

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