I just got an email from my Pop last night. He is doing work in South America and wanted to let me know how he was doing and what was going on there. And don't stop reading now....'cause this is really important to me. He said that he was sitting in his hotel room watching tv when he saw that there where many South American people walking for miles and standing in the middle of a feild just to hear a man of God. I can't believe it considering it was probably very hot over in that other country. He also said that God is really touching people over there and that he watched as one boy was completely healed of psoriasis! The preacher was standing on a big platform, loving on people, as he was being soaked in his own sweat. My pop said that he really wanted to get out and do something but he found himself glued to the chair.
I, personally, think it's amazing what God is doing, not just here, but over in another country as well. I think that I take for granted every day about our air conditioning or how we can just drive to church to hear the preacher talk. Or how we can worship freely. I realize I never really thank God for the blessings that he has given me. That is how I feel. I want to really start thanking God each and every day for what I have in my life.
Matthew 28:19 Therefore, go and make diciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
WOW! Hailey, that is awesome!!! God is so good to us!!
Aunt Bebe-
God is good! I am so grateful for the many blessings he has given us!
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