Thursday, July 7, 2011

fireworks! BOOM! BOOM!

Who enjoyed the Fourth of July? I sure did! We invited more than 50 people over to our house for a big cookout and firework show outside. It was awesome!!! First we talked and played for a little while. ( we had a bounce house set up and we have a swing set and my dad set up some games to play. ) And then we ate and roasted hot dogs. And after we played and talked and chatted some more we had roasted smores. Then a few familys stayed until after midnight chatting, roasting, and telling stories. We had a lot of fun and if you came I hope you did too! I thank God for the day we celebrate indeendence and all those men who fought for our freedom and are still fighting to this day. I would like to know what you did for The Fourth of July. please comment and tell me all about it!

Galatians 6:12 Those who want to make a good impression outwardly are trying to compel you to be circumcised. The only reason they do this is to avoid being persecuted for the cross of Christ.


Jackie Edington said...

I was at your house of course! It was so much fun! Your Mom & Dad throw a great party!

Sarah said...

I was there and my family had a blast!! You guys rock. :)

Lessons in the Little Stuff said...

I am glad you had fun! I agree! Mom and Dad do throw great parties!

Sarah- Thanks! I am happy that you had a good time!

Hailey's Favorite Songs