A peaceful heart is easy and not very tense. Sometimes when you have envy and jeaulousy inside, you don't have a peaceful heart. Envy and jealously can take you totally by suprise! The bible says it can even rot your bones! NOT HEALTHY! The stab of jealousy can jab hard. There is different types of jealously, and when i think about it, for adults and kids. ADULTS: Say a fellow colleauge got a better pay-check than you or you see the beautiful 2-3 story houses and look at your own in disgust. KIDS: You see other people wearing the latest fashions while you are stuck in hand-me-downs. Or you see that one of your peers got a brand new toy while you still play with your old ones.
These are all forms of envy. Some are large and some are mild. It depends on what it is. Anyway, on of the commandments in the bible says not to covet anything that belongs to your neighbor. So when you see your friends or family getting blessings, be glad for them...and then think of the wonderful things God has blessed you with. It will put that envy in its place, out of your life!
Great post, Hailey!
Thank you! I have this devotional book and i really would like to share, from now on, out of it but in my own words of course.
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