Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Truth or lie?

Truth will stay for a long time but lies are soon discovered. Nobody likes to be lied about. It hurts really badly. Plus it's not fair to them. It is like being talked about behing your back or it feels like your best friends has back-stabbed you. What do you do when you hear these lies? SPEAK UP! Don't be mean about it or hurt them back with more gossip but instead talk to them, tell them the truth, and then change the subject. It is a very good way to get the truth about someone goin! Same thing goes if it's one of your friends and not you. Stand up for them and be a leader. God wants us to be the head and not the tail. So be known for your truthfulness. It will come a time when you have friends cause they trust you. It's worth it!

Proverbs 12:19 Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue lasts only a moment.


The Corey Family said...

Good blog post! I miss your writing! I know you are busy with school and everything else though. Love you.

Family of Faith said...

I think I'm gonna try to get started back on it. I will try to make time because its so much fun!

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