Monday, July 30, 2007


Just some pics from the last week...

Hailey helping her cousin Adilynn swing
Chewing on her hair...yucky habit

Hanging out with sissy and Aunt Chi Chi

Lost her fifth tooth!

Home from school shopping with Aunt Bebe

Friday, July 20, 2007

Nothing is too difficult...

Hailey lost her two front teeth several months ago and while one of the permanent teeth began growing in a couple months ago, there has been no sign of the other. Her gum had turned a grayish color and the tooth was not breaking through, so Wednesday we made a trip to the dentist. After examining her, he decided to laser back her gum to provide a way for the tooth to come out. Within two minutes, he was numbing her and giving her shots and using a laser instrument to burn through the gum. Through all of this, she was so brave and did not cry once. There was a lot of blood inside her gum and that was what was casuing the discoloration. The gum had gotten too tough for her tooth to break through, which the dentist said he had never seen before. When we left, there was a good sized hole in her gum where you could see her tooth inside. Out in the car, I told her how proud I was of her for being so brave. She said, "Mommy, God gave me the power to be brave and not be nervous." That brought tears to my eyes and joy to my spirit. I told her that she had God's word hidden in her heart and quoted the verse that said those very words: God has not given you the spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind. She was delighted. I am so proud of my seven year old. She is a confident, trusting child of the most high God. Two days later, her gum looks much better and her tooth is coming down just like the other one. :-)

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Hailey & Adilynn

Hailey at her aunt's baby shower... you can't see them very well but she has ladybug antennae on her head!

And here she is from you can see her antennae.

Dance Recital
June 24th, 2007

Hailey's Favorite Songs