Saturday, March 29, 2008

Addie's Birthday Party

Today it was Addie's birthday. It was fun!!!!!!!!
You can't beleive it! That was all I had to say.
I had to make it quick. Bye.

Monday, March 24, 2008


This is my friends, Sydney, Courtney, Mariah, and Makenzie and me at the Mother Daughter Tea Party.

This is my new baby cousin and me holding her. She's so cute!

This one I am really crazy because, I am dyeing eggs. I love that!

These are my friends and I at church on Easter in our classroom practicing for our flag's ministry.

Yesterday it was Easter!!!!!!!!! Easter was really fun! First we went to church.

I did flags there. That was fun also. And Nick and I did a drama play.

At the end of drama we sang a song called He Hung There for me.

If you were at my church you would of loved it! We had a lot of fun.

We'll I got to go,bye. From,Hailey.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

It's a girls night

Yesterday night I had a girls night with mom.
It was fun soooooooooooooo fun!
We had a fun night. We watched a relly cool movie!
It was called August Rush. It was a fun cool movie about
a boy who loves music.
Got to go. Bye.

Hailey's Favorite Songs